Our Performance Squads are for athletes wishing to commit to developing themselves as a sprinter, hurdler, pole vaulter or combined events athlete.

We offer a limited number of squad memberships annually. This gives athletes the opportunity to be part of one of our squads, and join our long-term athlete development pathway.

We have a Silver and Gold squad which provide performance progression options for athletes as they develop, on their athletic journey.

As athlete understanding and performance progresses, we invite athletes to move to from the silver to the gold squads. Each of these squads provide a scaled progression in terms of commitment, performance standards, and expectations.

Our gold squad currently includes a number of athletes who have represented England, Scotland, and Great Britain at major international championships in the last 5 years.

The cost of joining us full time is dependent on the squad level, but starts at £60 per month

If you wish to find out more, or apply to join one of our squads, please use the contact form here.